Wild Blue Yonder 1: 50 Years of Gs & Jets
Wild Blue Yonder - Episode 1 - 50 Years of Gs and Jets (Digital Ranch) (Spectrum Holobyte)(1-107-40-101)(1994).iso
< prev
next >
Text File
858 lines
factory Array
end Array
on startMovie
global CDroot
go to movie CDroot & "Splash"
end startMovie
on initAll
global aspectLabel, aspectLabelHeight, aspectMenu, arrow, ¼
audioIncrement, backArrow, backArrowH, backArrowNeg, backArrowR, ¼
backArrowPos, backArrowV, barCast, barSprite, bgCast, bgSprite, ¼
bgVol, biteVol, blowUp, blowUpCast, blowUpName, blowUpPos, ¼
camera, cameraH, cameraNeg, cameraPos, cameraR, cameraV, DL, ¼
dummy, endPage, engineVol, firstGlobe, frameColor, globe, ¼
lastGlobe, lastShared, leftSide, mooV, mooVCast, mooVFrame, ¼
mooVPos, mooVVol, nextPage, oldFrames, oneRow, printAlert, ¼
planePic, prevPage, rightFist, rightHand, safetyBlock, seenMooV, ¼
slider, sourceFrame, stepBackNeg, stepForwardNeg, ¼
stretchFactorH, track, twoRows, upFist, upHand, watch, Win, ¼
zoomSteps, page, lastPage
set backArrowNeg = the number of cast "back arrow neg"
set backArrowPos = the number of cast "back arrow pos"
set barCast = the number of cast "bar"
set bgCast = the number of cast "background"
set blowUpCast = the number of cast "bloupcst.mov"
set cameraNeg = the number of cast "camera neg"
set cameraPos = the number of cast "camera pos"
set dummy = the number of cast "dummy"
set firstGlobe = the number of cast "first globe"
set lastGlobe = the number of cast "last globe"
set lastShared = the number of cast "last weapons"
set mooVCast = the number of cast "mooVCast.mov"
set stepBackNeg = the number of cast "step back neg"
set stepForwardNeg = the number of cast "step forward neg"
set bgSprite = 1
set aspectMenu = 3
set aspectLabel = 4
set globe = 5
set backArrow = 6
set camera = 7
set planePic = 10
set page = 12
set lastPage = 18
set leftSide = 24
set mooVFrame = 25
set mooV = 26
set track = 27
set barSprite = 28
set slider = 29
set blowUp = 41
set arrow = -1
set aspectLabelHeight = 31
set backArrowH = 31
set backArrowV = 414
set backArrowR = 12
set bgVol = 4
set biteVol = 2
set blowUpName = 0
set blowUpPos = 4
set cameraH = 32
set cameraR = 13
set cameraV = 378
set engineVol = 3
set frameColor = 255
set mooVPos = 3
set mooVVol = 1
set oneRow = 8
set Win = 256
set safetyBlock = 204800
set sourceFrame = "start"
set stretchFactorH = 1
set twoRows = 16
set watch = 4
set zoomSteps = 30
set audioIncrement = 255/zoomSteps
set endPage = [the number of cast "endPage cursor", ¼
the number of cast "endPage mask"]
set nextPage = [the number of cast "nextPage cursor", ¼
the number of cast "nextPage mask"]
set prevPage = [the number of cast "prevPage cursor", ¼
the number of cast "prevPage mask"]
set upHand = [the number of cast "upHand cursor", ¼
the number of cast "upHand mask"]
set upFist = [the number of cast "upFist cursor", ¼
the number of cast "upFist mask"]
set rightHand = [the number of cast "rightHand cursor", ¼
the number of cast "rightHand mask"]
set rightFist = [the number of cast "rightFist cursor", ¼
the number of cast "rightFist mask"]
if the machineType = Win then set DL = "\"
else set DL = ":"
set alertA = "To print a photo, you must:"
set alertB = "1. Move the mouse over the photo."
set alertC = "2. Hold down the shift key and click"
set alertD = " the mouse to blow up the photo."
set alertE = "3. Click the mouse to reduce the photo."
set alertF = "4. Hold down the command (apple) key and"
set alertG = " press P."
if the machineType <> Win then
set printAlert = alertA &LF& alertB &LF& alertC &LF& alertD &LF& ¼
alertE &LF& alertF &LF& alertG
end if
-- The first time the user visits a movie containing a QT video, the
-- video in that movie starts automatically. After that, he has to push
-- the video button (camera icon) to play the video. The array called
-- seenMooV keeps track of whether a movie's video has already been seen.
if not objectP( seenMooV ) then set seenMooV = Array( mNew )
-- The slots in seenMooV follow a code similar to that of biteNames
-- and biteLengths. (See below.) The first two digits are the era and
-- plane. The last digit corresponds to the movie: 1 for plane movie, 2
-- for weapons movie, and 3 for black box movie. Initially, all slots
-- contain "FALSE."
if not objectP( oldFrames ) then set oldFrames = Array( mNew )
end initAll
on initOverview
global eraPic, prefliteGlobe
set eraPic = 8
set prefliteGlobe = 6
end initOverview
on initEra
global planeLabel, planeLabelHeight, parchmentSprite, spotlight
set planeLabel = 4
set parchmentSprite = 2
set spotlight = 3
set planeLabelHeight = 28.2
end initEra
on initPlane
end initPlane
on initBlackbox
global firstBlackbox, lastBlackbox
set firstBlackbox = the number of cast "first blackbox"
set lastBlackbox = the number of cast "last blackbox"
end initBlackbox
on initCockpit
global blowUpSprite, dashboard, dummySprite, horizCheck, instrLabel, ¼
instrLabelHeight, instrMenu1, instrMenu2, instrMenu3, instrPic, ¼
orientation, vertCheck
set instrMenu1 = 7
set instrMenu2 = 8
set instrMenu3 = 9
set dashboard = 10
set instrPic = 11
set instrLabel = 12
set blowUpSprite = 13
set dummySprite = 48
set instrLabelHeight = 23.4
set horizCheck = ¼
"lightCpitLabels( the mouseV, instrMenu1Top, instrLabel, instrPic, instrLabelHeight, startCast )"
set line1 = "if rollOver( instrMenu1 ) then"
set line2 = "lightCpitLabels( the mouseV, instrMenu1Top, instrLabel, instrPic, instrLabelHeight, startCast )"
set line3 = "else if rollOver( instrMenu2 ) then"
set line4 = "lightCpitLabels( the mouseV, instrMenu2Top, instrLabel, instrPic, instrLabelHeight, startCast )"
set line5 = "else"
set line6 = "lightCpitLabels( the mouseV, instrMenu3Top, instrLabel, instrPic, instrLabelHeight, startCast )"
set line7 = "end if"
set vertCheck = string( line1 &LF& line2 &LF& line3 &LF& ¼
line4 &LF& line5 &LF& line6 &LF& line7 )
if not objectP( orientation ) then set orientation = Array( mNew )
orientation( mPut, 11, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 12, #vert )
orientation( mPut, 13, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 14, #vert )
orientation( mPut, 15, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 21, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 22, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 23, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 24, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 25, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 31, #vert )
orientation( mPut, 32, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 33, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 34, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 35, #vert )
orientation( mPut, 41, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 42, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 43, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 44, #horiz )
orientation( mPut, 45, #horiz )
end initCockpit
on initPerformance
global firstPerformance, lastPerformance, perfLabel, perfLabelHeight, ¼
perfMenu, perfStartCast, plane1Bar, plane2Bar, plane3Bar, ¼
plane4Bar, plane5Bar
set firstPerformance = the number of cast "first performance"
set lastPerformance = the number of cast "last performance"
set perfStartCast = the number of cast "performance menu"
set perfLabelHeight = 30
set perfLabel = 9
set perfMenu = 8
set plane1Bar = 17
set plane2Bar = 18
set plane3Bar = 19
set plane4Bar = 20
set plane5Bar = 21
end initPerformance
on initScrapbook
global blowupA, blowupB, blowupC, firstScrapbook, lastScrapbook, ¼
lastBlowupA, lastBlowupB, lastBlowupC
set firstScrapbook = the number of cast "first scrapbook"
set lastScrapbook = the number of cast "last scrapbook"
set blowupA = 14
set blowupB = 15
set blowupC = 16
set lastBlowupA = 20
set lastBlowupB = 21
set lastBlowupC = 22
end initScrapbook
on initSpecs
global engineTimes, firstSpecs, lastSpecs, spec, specLabel, ¼
specLabelHeight, specMenu, specStartCast
set firstSpecs = the number of cast "specs menu"
set lastSpecs = the number of cast "power"
set specStartCast = the number of cast "specs menu"
set specLabel = 8
set specMenu = 7
set specLabelHeight = 30.25
-- This section creates an array containing the lengths of the engine sounds.
-- The array is called engineTimes.
if not objectP( engineTimes ) then
set engineTimes = Array( mNew )
engineTimes( mPut, 11, 768 )
engineTimes( mPut, 12, 678 )
engineTimes( mPut, 13, 450 )
engineTimes( mPut, 14, 528 )
engineTimes( mPut, 15, 750 )
engineTimes( mPut, 21, 804 )
engineTimes( mPut, 22, 630 )
engineTimes( mPut, 23, 498 )
engineTimes( mPut, 24, 360 )
engineTimes( mPut, 25, 468 )
engineTimes( mPut, 31, 636 )
engineTimes( mPut, 32, 594 )
engineTimes( mPut, 33, 516 )
engineTimes( mPut, 34, 780 )
engineTimes( mPut, 35, 444 )
engineTimes( mPut, 41, 708 )
engineTimes( mPut, 42, 348 )
engineTimes( mPut, 43, 654 )
engineTimes( mPut, 44, 564 )
engineTimes( mPut, 45, 564 )
end if
end initSpecs
on initStories
global biteChannel, biteHeight, biteLengths, biteTitles, biteZone, ¼
firstRadio, firstStories, lastRadio, lastStories, MacBiteTitles, ¼
MacBiteZone, MacStorText, tabsLeftEdge, tabWidth, tagHilite, ¼
tagHilite1, Win, WinBiteTitles, WinBiteZone, WinStorText, ¼
lastMacStorText, lastWinStorText
set firstRadio = the number of cast "first radio"
set firstStories = the number of cast "first stories"
set lastRadio = the number of cast "last radio"
set lastStories = the number of cast "last stories"
set tagHilite1 = the number of cast "luggage tag hilite"
set tagHilite = 9
set biteChannel = 1
set tabsLeftEdge = 175
set tabWidth = 66
set MacBiteTitles = 25
set MacBiteZone = 32
set MacStorText = 14
set lastMacStorText = 20
set WinBiteTitles = 33
set WinBiteZone = 40
set WinStorText = 15
set lastWinStorText = 21
set MacBiteHeight = 27.75
set WinBiteHeight = 32.00
if the machineType = Win then
set biteHeight = WinBiteHeight
set biteTitles = WinBiteTitles
set biteZone = WinBiteZone
set biteHeight = MacBiteHeight
set biteTitles = MacBiteTitles
set biteZone = MacBiteZone
end if
-- The first two digits of each slot in biteLengths correspond to
-- the era and plane. The third digit is the story number, which
-- ranges from 1 to 6. The fourth digit indicates the order of the
-- bite within the story.
if not objectP( biteLengths ) then
set biteLengths = Array( mNew )
biteLengths( mPut, 1151, 972 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1152, 1224 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1153, 1260 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1154, 1638 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1155, 876 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1251, 966 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1252, 972 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1253, 1440 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1254, 696 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1255, 888 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1351, 654 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1352, 948 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1353, 1356 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1461, 966 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1462, 1248 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1463, 948 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1464, 1626 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1465, 1392 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1551, 918 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1552, 1008 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1553, 846 )
biteLengths( mPut, 1554, 1002 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2161, 510 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2162, 2118 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2163, 1530 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2164, 822 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2251, 1362 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2252, 1014 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2253, 678 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2254, 1572 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2461, 1632 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2462, 2076 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2463, 1152 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2464, 1818 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2465, 1764 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2561, 1146 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2562, 846 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2563, 1104 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2564, 984 )
biteLengths( mPut, 2565, 1110 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3151, 1086 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3152, 1290 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3153, 606 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3154, 1302 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3351, 2100 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3352, 1050 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3353, 2514 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3354, 708 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3451, 1740 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3452, 1014 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3453, 1116 )
biteLengths( mPut, 3454, 1152 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4351, 972 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4352, 918 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4353, 948 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4354, 666 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4451, 1020 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4452, 960 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4453, 1632 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4454, 1314 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4551, 870 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4552, 918 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4553, 810 )
biteLengths( mPut, 4554, 1026 )
end if
end initStories
on initWeapons
global clipboard, firstWeapons, lastWeapons, lastMacWeapText1, ¼
lastMacWeapText2, lastWinWeapText1, lastWinWeapText2, ¼
MacWeapText1, MacWeapText2, planePic, weapLabel, ¼
weapLabelHeight, weapMenu, WinWeapText1, WinWeapText2
set firstWeapons = the number of cast "first weapons"
set lastWeapons = the number of cast "last weapons"
set clipboard = 10
set planePic = 10
set weapLabel = 9
set weapMenu = 8
set weapLabelHeight = 30.5
set lastMacWeapText1 = 20
set lastMacWeapText2 = 21
set lastWinWeapText1 = 22
set lastWinWeapText2 = 23
set MacWeapText1 = 14
set MacWeapText2 = 15
set WinWeapText1 = 16
set WinWeapText2 = 17
end initWeapons
on initPrintext
global cancelPrint, doPrint, doPrintBorder, printBox, printQuestion, ¼
set cancelPrint = 4
set doPrint = 5
set doPrintBorder = 6
set printBox = 2
set printQuestion = 3
set storyText = 1
end initPrintext
on setSearchPath
global CDroot, CDorHDroot, DL
set CDorHDroot = the pathname
add( the searchPath, CDroot )
add( the searchPath, CDorHDroot )
add( the searchPath, "dummy" )
add( the searchPath, "dummy" )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "JetAge" &DL& "Video" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "Vietnam" &DL& "Video" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "Desert" &DL& "Video" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "Tomorrow" &DL& "Video" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "JetAge" &DL& "Blowups" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "Vietnam" &DL& "Blowups" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "Desert" &DL& "Blowups" &DL )
add( the searchPath, CDroot & "Tomorrow" &DL& "Blowups" &DL )
end setSearchPath
on makeAmbienceArrays
global ambience, ambienceCode, bgVol, biteVol, engineVol, fadeInLength, ¼
fadeOutLength, fadePoint, mooVVol, volumes
-- The array called "volumes" contains the initial volumes of the various
-- types of audio: QuickTime movies, sound bites, engine noises,
-- and background ambience. All four can be reset in the Control Panel
-- movie.
if not objectP( volumes ) then
set volumes = Array( mNew )
volumes( mPut, mooVVol, 255.0 )
volumes( mPut, biteVol, 255.0 )
volumes( mPut, engineVol, 255.0 )
volumes( mPut, bgVol, 100.0 )
end if
-- The following globals determine how quickly the various sounds fade in
-- and out.
set fadeInLength = 200
set fadeOutLength = 200
-- Two arrays called "ambience" and "fadePoint" contain information about
-- which sound files are used for ambience, and when those sounds should
-- start fading out during crossfades to new sounds.
if not objectP( ambience) then set ambience = Array( mNew )
if not objectP( fadePoint ) then set fadePoint = Array( mNew )
-- The structure of these two arrays is as follows:
-- 000 dummy
-- 001 - 099 OVERVIEW general ambience
-- 100 - 124 JET AGE era songs
-- 125 - 149 era segues
-- 150 - 159 XP59 cockpit chatter
-- 160 - 169 F86 cockpit chatter
-- 170 - 179 X1 cockpit chatter
-- 180 - 189 Me262 cockpit chatter
-- 190 - 199 B47 cockpit chatter
-- 200 - 224 VIETNAM era songs
-- 225 - 249 era segues
-- 250 - 259 B52 cockpit chatter
-- 260 - 269 F105 cockpit chatter
-- 270 - 279 A6 cockpit chatter
-- 280 - 289 F4 cockpit chatter
-- 290 - 299 SR71 cockpit chatter
-- 300 - 324 DESERT STORM era songs
-- 325 - 349 era segues
-- 350 - 359 F15 cockpit chatter
-- 360 - 369 F16 cockpit chatter
-- 370 - 379 F14 cockpit chatter
-- 380 - 389 F117 cockpit chatter
-- 390 - 399 MIG29 cockpit chatter
-- 400 - 424 TOMORROW era songs
-- 425 - 449 era segues
-- 450 - 459 YF22 cockpit chatter
-- 460 - 469 V22 cockpit chatter
-- 470 - 479 X31 cockpit chatter
-- 480 - 489 B2 cockpit chatter
-- 490 - 499 X29 cockpit chatter
ambience( mPut, 0, 0 )
fadePoint( mPut, 0, 9999 )
ambience( mPut, 1, #wind )
fadePoint( mPut, 1, 1800 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 100, #big1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 100, 2214 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 101, #big2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 101, 2910 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 102, #big3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 102, 2070 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 103, #isnt1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 103, 2952 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 104, #isnt2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 104, 1626 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 105, #isnt3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 105, 2016 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 106, #mona1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 106, 2052 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 107, #mona2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 107, 2034 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 108, #mona3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 108, 2514 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 109, #pretty )
fadePoint( mPut, 109, 2688 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 125, #flyby1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 125, 654 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 126, #flyby2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 126, 570 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 127, #flyby3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 127, 612 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 128, #flyby4 )
fadePoint( mPut, 128, 630 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 129, #flyby5 )
fadePoint( mPut, 129, 570 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 130, #limit )
fadePoint( mPut, 130, 1302 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 131, #sputnik)
fadePoint( mPut, 131, 750 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 132, #fired)
fadePoint( mPut, 132, 744 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 133, #fadeaway)
fadePoint( mPut, 133, 1314 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 134, #erabomb)
fadePoint( mPut, 134, 1134 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 135, #jfkcuba)
fadePoint( mPut, 135, 1110 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 136, #uncuba)
fadePoint( mPut, 136, 942 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 137, #traitors)
fadePoint( mPut, 137, 522 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 138, #invade)
fadePoint( mPut, 138, 594 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 139, #truce)
fadePoint( mPut, 139, 534 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 140, #endwwii)
fadePoint( mPut, 140, 420 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 150, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 150, 2550 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 160, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 160, 3297 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 190, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 190, 3042 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 200, #psycho1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 200, 1650 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 201, #psycho2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 201, 2124 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 202, #psycho3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 202, 2112 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 203, #rocket1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 203, 2430 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 204, #rocket2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 204, 2652 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 205, #rocket3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 205, 2844 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 206, #rocket4 )
fadePoint( mPut, 206, 2700 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 207, #spirit1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 207, 1884 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 208, #spirit2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 208, 1860 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 209, #spirit3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 209, 1878 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 210, #spirit4 )
fadePoint( mPut, 210, 2238 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 211, #scar1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 211, 2466 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 212, #scar2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 212, 2250 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 225, #flyby1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 225, 468 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 226, #flyby2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 226, 534 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 227, #flyby3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 227, 336 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 228, #flyby4 )
fadePoint( mPut, 228, 678 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 229, #honor )
fadePoint( mPut, 229, 636 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 230, #quitter)
fadePoint( mPut, 230, 990 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 231, #johnson)
fadePoint( mPut, 231, 558 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 232, #dream)
fadePoint( mPut, 232, 1338 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 233, #apollo)
fadePoint( mPut, 233, 900 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 234, #moon)
fadePoint( mPut, 234, 798 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 250, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 250, 2010 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 260, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 260, 5801 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 280, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 280, 1956 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 290, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 290, 1944 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 300, #afraida )
fadePoint( mPut, 300, 2622 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 301, #afraidb )
fadePoint( mPut, 301, 2064 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 302, #afraidc )
fadePoint( mPut, 302, 2064 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 303, #darbari1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 303, 2466 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 304, #darbari2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 304, 2466 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 305, #wind1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 305, 2556 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 306, #wind2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 306, 1674 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 307, #wind3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 307, 2214 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 308, #wind4 )
fadePoint( mPut, 308, 1530 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 309, #where1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 309, 2634 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 310, #where2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 310, 2634 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 325, #flyby1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 325, 618 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 326, #flyby2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 326, 462 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 327, #flyby3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 327, 444 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 328, #flyby4 )
fadePoint( mPut, 328, 384 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 329, #annex )
fadePoint( mPut, 329, 708 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 330, #attack )
fadePoint( mPut, 330, 792 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 331, #capable)
fadePoint( mPut, 331, 600 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 332, #killit)
fadePoint( mPut, 332, 486 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 333, #scud)
fadePoint( mPut, 333, 576 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 350, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 350, 1008 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 360, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 360, 2376 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 370, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 370, 936 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 380, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 380, 4050 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 390, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 390, 2736 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 400, #far1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 400, 2724 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 401, #far2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 401, 2418 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 402, #outback1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 402, 2946 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 403, #outback2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 403, 1998 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 404, #rock1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 404, 2652 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 405, #rock2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 405, 2652 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 406, #rock3 )
fadePoint( mPut, 406, 2748 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 407, #darbarit )
fadePoint( mPut, 407, 2556 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 425, #flyby1 )
fadePoint( mPut, 425, 462 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 426, #flyby2 )
fadePoint( mPut, 426, 828 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 460, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 460, 1314 - fadeOutLength )
ambience( mPut, 470, #chatter)
fadePoint( mPut, 470, 1800 - fadeOutLength )
end makeAmbienceArrays